“JIKU ~Mirai Sentai Timeranger~” Kumi Sasaki

This is one of my favorite music, an opening theme song of Japanese drama:”Mirai Sentai Timeranger”.

Title: JIKU ~Mirai Sentai Timeranger~
Singer: Kumi Sasaki

“Mirai Sentai Timeranger” is one of serial of “Super Sentai Series”, it’s the original motif of “Power Rangers Time Force”.
Besides, “Timeranger” is my most favorite serial of all “Siper Sentai Series”, still now. “Super Sentai Series” has more than 40 serials though, still my most favorite one is Timeranger!
Buying DVD is very costly for my life though, I had bought DVD-Box of Timeranger, because I love Timeranger indeed!! I have watched Episode 1 & 2 of Timeranger more than 30 times, but still I love to watch it. How excellent opening sequence it is……this is true…….

*”Mirai Sentai Timeranger” on Wikipedia

The music genre of this song:”JIKU ~Mirai Sentai Timeranger~” is progressive rock, although “Timeranger” is the contents for kids’ segmentation, very difficult to sing, haha. Although this serial is for kids, the quality of drama is very high, a plenty number of aged fans love Timeranger very much, not only in Japan , also in many countries outside Japan.

“Night Of Beijing” Jia Peng Fang

This is one of my favorite instrumental music, this music’s artist is Chinese.

Title: Night Of Beijing
Artist: Jia Peng Fang

Jia Peng Fang is a musician of Erhu(Chinese traditional musical instrument).
He has graduated from Master’s course of ‘Tokyo University of the Arts(Japan)’, a member of Chinese Musicians Association(China) & Director of Chinese Erhu Academic Society.

*Jia Peng Fang on Wikipedia(Italian)

His playing music are all beautiful, it impresses my heart very much.
Erhu is a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, many Japanese love to learn this instrument’s playing, I love the sound of Erhu also.

*Erhu on Wikipedia (English)

I feel that each countries, territories, places, races have each great culture, they influence many things each other through long long history’s experiences & exchanging various things. Therefore, I do hope more people would be able to understand & respect each other, even in case of the difference of races would be there.
Because we are ALL the human beings, ALL.