2022/12/11(SUN) VIP for a moment

The latest upload of YouTube channel: “So Sorry” is as below.

Japanese politics is absolutely same like this.

The voting rate is below 50% in Japan, people don’t join Strikes or Demonstration in there, so things are getting more worse.

Not only worse. ruling party LDP have been proceeding to prepare of wars, it’s very stupid I consider.

Japanese should recognize the situation must become like the below picture, if Japan will really start a war against neighbor countries.

Actually, I can not find any negative impression of China media against Japan, only Japan side provide fake propaganda for Japanese citizens, like “China want to invade Japan”. Believing such a propaganda is silly, I think. Anyone should NOT believe it.

However, most of Japanese believe that fake propaganda, it’s extremely scary thing for me. I think Japan has no potential to win against the neighbor countries. It would be impossible.

By reason of most of Japanese don’t have interest with our politics, such a bad situation is approaching day by day.

Video:【Politoon】OH DEAR! 015: Mourners

New video was uploaded on YouTube channel and Odysee channel: Chobi Studio.


“September 27th, 2022 is one funeral day that a part of world leader would come.
What kind of gathering is it…?”

Please watch it, share it and subscribe channel.