The Past Proves The Present [3]

As I’ve mentioned, the idea of “The World’s Smallest Arduino PRO Compatible: Chobi” is not just current idea.
This video proves that planner of this: Satoru Komori(AINA BP Director) thought of Arduino works, this video was uploaded on March 6th, 2011. It is directly before East-Japan Earthquakes Disasters & Fukushima Nuclear Plant Disasters on March 11 & 12 in 2011, Since long time before, one of his hobby is electronics handicraft.

This video was uploaded on YouTube on March 7th, 2011.
This date proves that it is not just current temporary idea.

Hope you would back our project up on IndieGoGo. We indeed welcome your support.

Thank you.

The Past Proves The Present [2]

As I’ve mentioned, the idea of “The World’s Smallest Arduino PRO Compatible: Chobi” is not just current idea.
This video proves that planner of this: Satoru Komori thought of Arduino works, this video was uploaded on March 6th, 2011. It is directly before East-Japan Earthquakes Disasters & Fukushima Nuclear Plant Disasters on March 11 & 12 in 2011, Since long time before, one of his hobby is electronics handicraft.

Hope you would back our project up on IndieGoGo. We indeed welcome your support.

Thank you.

The Past Proves The Present

Currently, campaign of Chobi Design Japan(our new firm to proceed some projects) has been running on crowd funding website: IndieGoGo.

Although it looks like just the present idea, this kind of idea has been in the mind of Satoru Komori, Director of us: AINA BP. This kind of idea has been in his mind since 2011, he had just missed to launch its idea by reason of 2011’s heavy disasters of earthquakes and nuclear plants disasters

Now, he is trying to proceed and trying to go forward by this kind of idea etc.
We really welcome your support to us.

Thank you.


Memorable Shot Wish Celebrities [12]

AINA BP Directors, Satoru Komori and Haruka Ito met Mr. Yasuhiko Ishihara, Executive Director of Japan Wushu Taijiquan Federation(JWTF), Vice Chairman of Tokyo Metropolitan Wushu Taijiquan Federati…

Source: Memorable Shot Wish Celebrities [12]