2021/06/28(MON) My expectation is similar to this…

Oh, it’s like my expecting “Tokyo 2020-2021” in this summer……

The title of this documentary film is “FYRE” The Greatest Party That Never Happened”.

For the event promoter, the administration ability is required, however the project managers of Tokyo Olympic 2020 have very poor one of that ability.

Well, let’s see what will be going on, in Tokyo……

*”FYRE(film)” on Wikipedia English

Press RElease of “Arduino CHOBI” Is On PR Site

Press Release of our crowdfunding campaogn:”World’s Smallest Arduino Pro Compatible CHOBI” is now on Pressbox.co.uk.


Please support this campaign for more development of Arduino culture, PCB(prototyping board) culture.
We indeed welcome your support!!

‘fabcross’ picked our campaign up

The website which introduce hardware engineering;’fabcross’ introduced our crowd funding project ‘Arduino Chobi’ on their website.


We indeed welcome your support against our project on IndieGoGo.
Thank you.

[NOTICE] Campaign:’Ultra Compact Aruduino Pro Compatible’ Is Running

The campaign:’Ultra Compact Arduino Pro Compatible’ is running now on crowd funding website: IndieGoGo.



Please back this campaign, to be a contributor, and share this all around of you.
This would be beneficial one for plenty number of Arduino users across the globe.