This Made Me Feel Disappointed AGAIN

I’ve been encountered and suffered bad feeling things from Indian Wushu society for a long time.

Then, one more sad issue has occurred.


This issue has made me to feel disappointed with them AGAIN.
Because, this kind of issue is shameful thing.

This is the disgrace against Wushu itself, also against all of great Wushu masters/coaches/teachers/players etc, etc, etc, against all the serious and sincere people across globe.

How sad it is…..

2013/12/26(THU) 12th Junior National Wushu Championship

“12th Junior National Wushu Championship” is on going to be held in Imphal city, Manipur state during December 26th-31st.

Speaking of Imphal, this is the city which is connected with Japan, because the name of Imphal is known by “The Battle of Imphal” for Japanese and the place where the elder Japanese people (who have experiences to go to the front of the operation) visit.
I have felt my ignorant around those genre knowledge through watching the movie:”BOSE -The Forgotten Hero-“, therefore I wanted to come to there includes watching the junior national.
But, Imphal is extremely ‘FAR!’ from my living place-Mangalore.
Including airfare’s problem, I’ve had another a few schedules and issues, I unwillingly decided to give up to coming to Imphal.

However, thankfully of the internet society, a coach of Manipur team has uploaded the image of a scene in the game field and site management.
Thanks to it, we are able to glimpse how is the atmosphere of the arena……

I can feel they do have strong enthusiasm to develop Taolu from this photo, in India where is the place Sanshou is overwhelmingly predominant.
I have ever heard their enthusiasm mind to develop Wushu and to be there for players from one of coaches directly, the coach told me:”We(officers & coaches) must be exist FOR THE PLAYERS”.

I feel it seems like that such a kind of “wish” would reach our heart, from these photos.

Through watching these images, the desire which such a training & game base to come to Mangalore would come bubbling up in my mind.

Anyway, I just pray sincerely that this competition would become a good one FOR PLAYERS.